
Thursday, 16 May 2013

Election Reflection

3. Voting in Canada should be required by law (meaning punishable by fines).

Voting has been a Canadian citizen’s right for several years, and will be one for several more years. It’s a fair and simple way to decide different political affairs where everyone is given the chance to share their opinion. However, based on research, the amount of voters has decreased by about 50%. This is a negative impacted because the less amount of votes there are, the more unfair the election would be; every vote counts. So if this keeps on happening, should voting be required by the law?

Some may say yes to this; to make voting a law. By doing so, elections will receive a larger amount of votes and each party will each be given a fair chance of winning. However, this also means that if this law is not followed, people will be punished by being fined. Fining people may also be a good thing because it enforces people to vote. People not voting have been a major problem without a solution for quite a while. Making voting a law is an easy fix compared to just relying on others to vote.

Others will say no to this idea; being forced to vote and fined if not done. Some people just don’t vote in the election because they forgot to. Or they don’t support any of the parties that are running. It’s an understandable reason though, why would you want to be forced into voting for something you don’t believe in?  And being fined for it may start some more disagreements. Taking the option to vote or not away can be considered too drastic. Next thing you’ll see are rioters demanding to give back their freedom to vote or not back. Many people don’t vote, not only because they forget, but because they choose not to.

My opinion on this topic is kind of between the two. Yes, I agree that people should vote because it’s the best way to support what you think needs to be changed in your community. If you don’t vote, then you have absolutely no reason to complain about what’s going on in your country. However I disagree with making it mandatory to vote with the consequence of being fined. I find this a harsh way to get more people to vote in elections. In conclusion, voting should not be made a law.       


1 comment:

  1. Anaya, I like the format of your post because it is well organized into an introduction, body, and conclusion (making it more enjoyable to read). The way that you explained both sides of the question and had your own opinion about them was also good. One way to extend your post would be to include examples from real elections or include names of political parties. It was a good idea to write as if you were speaking it, because readers of the post would understand your opinion better. Great job!
