
Thursday, 13 June 2013

Motivation post that prompted Tony's Post

Tony's blogging style is very unique and different than most blogging styles which is a good thing. Tony uses different fonts and titles and uses many visuals which is good. The points that Tony is making about motivation are very true. Tony's motivation quotes are very motivational and definitely make people think about what they are doing with themselves. Personally, I like motivational quotes because they give you something to think about and strive for and have a look at yourself and think what are you doing with yourself. Motivational quotes also let people know that they always have a chance to get better and that its happened before and that someone out there i9s working just as hard as them. I think Tony's quotes have all the things a good motivational quote needs.

  I agree with Tony's motivational quotes completely. Since I am a soccer player I would know that motivation is an essential part to success. .If you don't have a reason or some sort of motivation to do what you do you won't be good at doing it. If you don't have the will to do something you won't be even close to as good to someone who has the will to do something. And these quotes motivate you to go out and do something and not let your talents go to waste. The quotes also are very simple and bold which make you need to do very specific. the visuals on the quotes the quotes that extra little motivation to go do something and motivate you. Tony gives examples that relate to his quotes which show that these things are true and can happen and have happened to him. Sometimes people just need to know that it has happened before to believe they can do it too.

  Too improve Tony's post I would make the visuals a bit more creative and related to the quotes. Some of the visuals make the quotes hard to read or understand. I find Tony's blog to be a bit messy and hard to find things. Too improve Tony's blog I would add better photos that relate to the quotes more, I would make the quotes less spread out and more easy to read and I would clean up his blog a bit more so things are easier to find. Overall Tony's blog is great and very inspirational and motivational and I liked it a lot! Good job Tony!

1 comment:

  1. Nicholas,

    TY, my good to get some level-headed feedback on how I get LEARN more and improve my blog ;-)

    I really like the way you balanced the feedback - but also gave me solid, actionable stuff that I can use...and I will try...promise ;-)

    I guess you are the same with your soccer - but, you know, I come from England (originally) and we play football there (and all the smartest TEACHers support Manchester United, you know) ;-)

    I loved the fact that you focussed in on "inspiration" - soooooooooooooooooo important to students (and TEACHers).

    So, and here's the deal...why don't you come over to the blog...pop in...and give us TEACHers some inspiration. Tell us what we can do to improve the quality of LEARNing (and LEARNacy) in our our classes...and "out of" them, too (as we know, most REAL LEARNing takes place out of how can we help students get more "switched on" to the stuff we have to do as part of their "school careers"?

    Go know you want to ;-)

    Take care, have a GR8 w/e and win "that" game (if you have one) ;-)

