
Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Learning Blog-2

1.       Today in class we were in the library. While we were in the library we went over the four main points we were supposed to read about on the Woodleighville Morris Ward at home last night, the four main points were 1. Recovering From Cyclone Mike, 2. Rioting Recovery, 3.Should we install CCTV camera’s and 4. Do we want a WOLDI superstore. After we re-read over the four main points of the Woodleighville Morris Ward , we chose one of the main points that we would like to talk about with the authors of The Woodleighville Morris Ward and debate whether we are for or against them on their opinion. We wrote a letter to The Woodleighville Morris Ward on Google docs but did not send it yet. Are letter is supposed to be 2-4 paragraphs long. Just to remind you one paragraph is 5-9 sentences long.

2.       We did this today to practice our grammar and spelling skills. We were also learning how to save and send a good letter with positive and negative ideas. 

3.       These skills might help me in the real life when I am maybe using my own blog or if you ever want to help someone in a different country after you saw their troubles.  These skills also might help you if your in Info Tech and you need to make a blog post or need to make a word doc. This could also help me in my own learning if I want have a job that involves technology when I am older.

4.       The only homework we have for tomorrow is to finish up our letter to theWoodleighville Morris Ward if we can and to do our genius hour if we want.

5.       If you want to make sure your grammar and spelling is good you should first do your letter to the Woodleighville Morris Ward in Microsoft Word, then copy and paste to google docs. 

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