Before he jumped, I thought that Felix was going to die or just not do the jump. If I were in his place, I would be terrified and just not complete it. There are many things that could’ve gone wrong, like falling in the wrong way or if the Parachute got stuck. Felix however was brave and jumped form outside of the sound barrier. While he was falling I was afraid that he would’ve exploded or not have had enough air. Fortunately he landed safely and is still alive. Felix broke the world record and must be pleased with himself. I’m glad that he did the jump and that nothing awful happened.
Anaya, you seem to have a lot of things to respond to in this paragraph. As a reader, I would like to see you expand further on some points. For example, what might be the consequesnces of "falling the wrong way?" Why is it braver to jump from beyond the sound barrier? Why might he have exploded? I am glad you are happy Felix did not die, but what do you think his jump might mean for humanity? We will be working on expanding our writing throughout the year so this is a good start to your blogging.