1.What we did today: Today in class we started off with a new topic ( that we will continue tomorrow ) we were learning what Graphic Organisers were. However about 2 minutes into it Mrs.Lees asked us to indicate whether or not the subtitle she had written was a sentence, and if not, how to make it one. After asking about 4 different people Ms.Lees still hadn't gotten the correct answer so, then to teach us how to be able to solve problems like this one in other situations, (ex. creating our own subtitles....) she started showing us what a proper sentence is step-by-step. On a new piece of paper we divided the sheet into sections with each word that can go into a sentence as a heading. For example: ADJECTIVE: a word to describe/modify a noun. We did the same thing for all the other words ( pro-noun, noun, ad verb, verb, adjective ) but with more examples under it. Ms.Lees also explained to us how the placement of a word in a sentance can effect what it defines or how it is reflected. For example: Phill's boss was late so he had to run the meeting. You have a run in your tights. Did you run all the way here from home? It's the same word (run) but it's representing different meanings/ways because of the context that has changed each time. Then at the very end of the leason Ms.Lees showed us a video of an educational song from a company known as "School House Rock". In the song it was explained how all the different terms are used and how to iddentify them so you can use them correctly. It was mostly about adverbs though. To watch the video that we had on ealier in class click >HERE<.
2.LEARNING INTENTIONS: We started off learning about graphic connections at the bigginning today to be able to properly apply a visual/audio/video/chart/graph/key/
photo and any other graphics to a text smoothly. Very soon though left that for the day and we started on how to create a proper sentance because it was clear the entire class needed either a full lesson or at least a reminder on them. We learned what pro-nouns, nouns, ad verbs, verbs and adjectives so we could better understand them when reading through something and so that we could define the meaning of a sentance better. Also so when working on a writting doccument or anything with text we could be able to properly apply all of those terms without errors. I for one didn't know the exact meaning and use of a majority of the words today and it will defenetly help me allot in the future. Another reason for learning all of the terms is so that if it's ever asked of us to write a paragraph using any of these specific ones we can do so correctly and without much hesitation. This lesson helped us understand the placement of words and how much the placement can affect the entire sentance, how it can completly change the meaning.
3.CONECTIONS: These skills will be very helpfull in other classes and aspects in life. In most classes we are always writting, whether it's sentances or notes or paragraphs, and this will help us form them correctly and quickly. I would like to be an author or poet when I grow up and untill today I didn't know the full meaning of a majority of these common words that we use daily. It will help us more fully understand what we are writing on paper and not just skimming down without consideration were words are placed. This made us aware of the impact that the terms have in our work and thanks to that we can now apply them to work we do in this class and others so the writting we have is better, more imformed and descriptive.
4.HOMEWORK: Make sure to respond to our friends in Australia and answer all of their questions with detail and examples. Finish reading your books, ( the ones Ms.Lees handed out about the middle ages ) remember everyone should be done their books by THIS friday. If you haven't already, go onto Ms.Lees blog for her H.A.C.E challenge and remember the actual H.A.C.A is due soon. Work on the genious hour projects, be wary of you timeline we have to get the peer review feedback before presenting them. On friday bring in your H.A.C.E assignment. There was no homework from the actual lesson today.
5.HOMEWORK TIPS: Don't leave your book till the last minitue! Try reading a bit of your novels everyday so that your not rushing to read it on the last day. If anyone wants to you can review your notes from class today to be more familiar with the topic. Remember:
*****Where you place a word can change it's definition!******
~The dog ran after his owner.
~Pete ran the meeting since Jill was sick.
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