
Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Today in Class We....


Today in class we mainly worked on blog expectations. At the beginning, we talked about what made a good post, and how to improve our own posts. After we were to partner up with someone from our blog group and go down to the computer lab. Then we went to Ms.Lees blog a pick out a group blog from last years and look at their posts from January and February. We got three sheets from Ms.Lees (one for you, one for your partner, and one to write on) that had numbers 1-5 on it which was to mark a post. After looking at last year posts, we wrote on one of the three sheets we got and described what made a post a 1 2 3 4 5. Then to think about what level your posts are at, and hand it in to Ms.Lees.


I thought that the main idea for this was to know what to put in a post. I thought this was important because, if someone wasn’t posting a very informative post, they wouldn’t know how to fix it. This was all about improving our post and how to identify what makes a good post and what makes a bad post.  


This may help us in the future because if we were to help someone post a good comment, we would know how to do it by knowing what to include and how to make it better. This would be a useful skill because it if you were to post something in the future, it would be a good informative post.


We don’t have any homework because Ms.Lees wants use to work on our genius hour projects. It would also be a good idea to finish your notes soon.


For the genius hour projects, we have to hand in a log that explains what we did each day. We will be marked on it so don’t forget to do that while we get the time to work on it. I also think we will be given time to work on our projects this week because we didn’t work on them last week, so come prepared.

For the notes, Ms.Lees didn’t give a specific due date but it would be a good idea to get them done. If you’re having trouble, she says to come in on flex for help.

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