
Wednesday, 7 November 2012

What We Did in Class Today


At the start of class, all we did was read our novels for about 20 min. After, we logged onto our FH learn blogs to turn them into e-portfolios by creating a new page for humanities. Then we made menus for the new page on humanities.

Learning Intentions

Today we learned how to create a new page on our blog, and also to attach menus to them. I think the purpose of this was to know where to keep all of our assignment that will be put on our e-portfolios. And to know how to organised it in a way that is easy to find what you posted.


This will help us in the future by knowing how to set up a new page and menus on word press. Now days it is easier to keep all of your work on an e-portfolio, they’re more organised and colleges regimented it.


Our homework is to make a new page and menus on our FH learn blogs. The page should be named Humanities and the menus should be called Communication, Digital Literacy or ICT, Creativity and innovation, and Collaboration. If you forget how to create a new page or menus, the go to Ms.Lees blog ( and there will be videos that explains the whole thing. However if your still confused then just wait until tomorrow to get help from Ms.Lees or someone else in the class. This is due by the end of the week.

 It would also be a good idea to work on your genius hour projects, we all made deadlines to complete them by.

Don’t forget to finish your notes. If you haven’t completed the, then you could sign-out a pathways book from Ms.Lees or go to flex. Outline pg.9-10, Web pg.21-30, Cornell pg.31-35


Remember for your notes not to copy what they say in the textbook, and to keep the notes brief. If you’re really behind, then it would be smart to take out pathways textbook so you don’t have to attend flex every lunch.

 For genius hour, remember to follow the criteria very carefully so you don’t mess up your project also to share the work with your partner.

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